Yours by Ella Henderson: A Beautiful Song to Download and Play
Do you love the song Yours by Ella Henderson? Do you want to download the sheet music and play it on your piano or guitar? If so, you are in the right place. In this article, I will show you how to find and download the PDF file of the sheet music for Yours by Ella Henderson, and also give you some background information about the song and the artist.
Who is Ella Henderson?
Ella Henderson is a British singer and songwriter who rose to fame after competing in the ninth series of The X Factor in 2012. She finished in sixth place, but impressed the judges and the audience with her powerful voice and original songs. She signed a record deal with Syco Music and released her debut album, Chapter One, in 2014. The album reached number one in the UK and produced four top 10 singles, including Ghost, Glow, Mirror Man, and Yours.
What is Yours about?
Yours is a romantic ballad that expresses Ella Henderson's love and devotion to her partner. She sings about how she feels close to him even when they are apart, and how he makes her feel safe and secure. She also thanks him for accepting her flaws and loving her unconditionally. The song has a simple piano accompaniment that highlights Ella Henderson's soulful vocals. The lyrics are heartfelt and sincere, and convey a message of gratitude and commitment.
How to download the sheet music for Yours by Ella Henderson?
If you want to play Yours by Ella Henderson on your piano or guitar, you will need the sheet music for it. Fortunately, there are several websites that offer the PDF file of the sheet music for free or for a small fee. Here are some of the options:
[]: This website has the official sheet music for Yours by Ella Henderson in C major (transposable). You can download and print it for $5.79 or use one Pro Credit if you are a Musicnotes Pro member. You can also preview the first page of the sheet music before buying it.
[]: This website has a large collection of user-generated sheet music for various instruments and genres. You can find several versions of Yours by Ella Henderson for piano solo or piano-voice on this website. You can download and print them for free if you are a Musescore member, or pay $39.99 per year for unlimited access to all the scores on the website.
[]: This is another version of Yours by Ella Henderson for piano solo on It is a beginner-friendly arrangement that has only two pages. You can download and print it for free or pay $39.99 per year for unlimited access.
I hope you enjoyed this article and found it helpful. If you love Yours by Ella Henderson, don't hesitate to download the sheet music and play it on your piano or guitar. You can also listen to the original song on YouTube or Spotify, or check out other songs by Ella Henderson on her official website or social media accounts. Have fun!